Monday, July 27, 2009

I was very fortunate to be invited to my good friend and fabulous chef Janice's house today to paint and have lunch. She prepared us the most scruptious meal of Gazpacho soup, Shrimp salad and a Blackberry Sorbet, everything we ate, we wanted the recipe! it was so delicious and fresh.
Okay, sorry to get side track about the food, but it was soooooo delicious!
Here's my second try at Yupo and I decided to do a cypress on a rock cliff. I learned that having a small spray mister, helps move and mix the paint into cool designs, (cover any area's you don't want water on, because it'll move the paint)
The more you mess around with it after laying down the initial paint, the more chances of messing it up! It doesn't like control freak artists like me who want it perfect! so it's a good teacher on loosening up and letting it flow.
I went outside to take a picture of it hoping to get better shot.
Here's a close up of it, although the bottom is cut off.

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